betrayal, hate, revenage, fear

Show me your face

You walk along a dirt path
wandering into a silent wood,
maybe too silent.

The night sky finally appears, and you notice up ahead a robbed figure kneeled down infront of a large angel guardian.
Its not till later 
you reliaze this angel is a grave. 
Do you approach the one who greives?


She does not look up at you, as you approach her.
You can hear her mornfull  voice utter a meak hello.
You feel a chill race over your being when talking to her.
You find out her name is.
Alyssa Fier
She is paying her respects to her mother.
You ask her, 
"What happened to your mother?"
She chuckles under her breath and then answers you..

"That my friend, is a long story. 
I will take you to my old home 
if you wish to know more?"


 Follow the Angel..